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Somatic Healing Inquiry

meet yourself where you are now with curiosity and compassion, 

and shift how you relate to yourself, your life and others

When you look in a mirror and you see a frown,

altering the mirror won't transform the frown; instead,

it's within yourself that the change to the frown must take place.

Are you aware of your wounds, patterns and pains?
Are you ready to shift them and experience a new way of living? 

Then let me take you on an extraordinary, incredible journey of real and profound transformation.
A journey we go on even or especially when we're scared, because that's where the magic lies.  

Feeling liberated in your body & mind, releasing pain

Having a deeper connection to yourself & your truth

 Having a deep trust in yourself & your body

Being able to differentiate between fear & intuition

Shifting repeating or existing patterns & create a new inner & outer reality

What is Somatic Healing Inquiry?

Life is a mirror, so everything you experience in the outer reality is a reflection of what you belief you're in the inside. Every moment, every person in your life is an opportunity to heal if you've the awareness.

And with the Somatic Healing Inquiry Approach we initiate the process of bringing awareness to the surface.

We do this by bringing awareness to your sensations in your body and mind, the triggers, the parts in you. So that in every situation, you've the choice to step out of the story you seem to repeat and start to act differently and thereby transform your life from within. Because there it's where you need to start if you want to see your life, your relationship to yourself and others change.

How does the Somatic Healing Inquiry Approach support me in becoming aware to these parts?

It's a simple and gentle technique where we connect with the sensations in your body and mind.

I, the practitioner, will guide you to bring awareness to your body and the sensations you're feeling. Through asking (inquiring) these sensations like for example where does it come from, does it want to say something, how old is it, does it want to move, we then go into the subconsciousness and uncover the root of it. Mostly you start with one sensation or feeling, but you probably will end up somewhere completely different as the whole session is a journey in itself. You decide how deep you want to go. 

Basically, we go in a dialogue together with your body, your sensations and your feelings to bring your subconscious to the surface. 

It might seem so simple/gentle or at least it does for me compared to other healing modalities but every time it goes so deep and uncovers other hidden layers. Every time it's like wow, what just happened. And you can feel the shift in your body and mind as most of the time a huge release occurs on a physical and emotional level already during the session. But especially in the days and weeks to come a shift is occurring as you're integrating what has come up in the session. And as life is a mirror, I belief  the real transformation happens in daily life as you can see it instantly reflected to you. Therefore, it's so important to me to be able to be here for you during this integration process. I don't belief in a quick fix but I do belief in the process/journey and sustainable long lasting change.


It might feel like you're going in a circle but it's not a circle it's a spiral where you're moving in and out of it till the process is completed. And that is where I support you outside the session. If something comes up you feel like sharing or need support or a breakthrough (these are the best messages :)), you can reach out to me on your preferred way of messaging so you're not alone on your journey.

What is she talking about with sensations in the body and mind?

So for example, you know that when you have a fight with your boyfriend or girlfriend and you get like these sensations/feelings in your body, like tightening in the chest or shoulders, a foggy head. And it's usually the same sensation over and over again, you might not even be aware of them in the situation and you might even experience them in other situations as it's the same subconscious part or belief you're repeating in different scenarios.


It can also be the self-talk or a belief you're aware of as for example the sensation of feeling stupid at work (very common for women). And so in the session we bring the awareness to this belief and the feeling in the body which is associated with this belief. This is the starting point of the inquiry.

You might not even be aware of the sensation in your body associated with a certain belief or negative self-talk, but every thought it's connected to the body. 

Example from a client which I thought describes it beautifully.

A client once came to me and in the exploration call she told me about a dream she had. In the dream she was under water, the water was so clear like in the Caribbean. And there in the clear water was a boat, a dark boat, and she was scared of the boat. She wasn't able to touch the boat and didn't want to get close to the boat. 

So after having been working with me where she uncovered certain subconscious parts and beliefs. She then came back to me one time and said that having been doing this work with me, where in a safe space she was able to connect to her subconscious and bring it to the surface and having had the support to integrate it in her daily life, she was now able to touch a certain part of the boat.

And with every time we uncovered another part, she was able to touch more of the boat and get less and less scared of it. She started to relate to the boat - her subconscious, her fears - differently. 

I just love this story as I feel like it perfectly explains the work we're doing together. And in general I'm a huge fan of dream work as there also for me the integration and transformation continues on a deep level. So love how that dream happened before our session and the symbolism of it. 



The foundation for having the life you want is built by being compassionate to yourself and your experiences.

Have you met your wounds and begun to face your inner darkness with tenderness and care?

And what are you committed to change and start relating from the heart?

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How committed are you?

Create what works best for you!

Individual Sessions

1 Session with One Integration Support after the Session

CHF 330.-

6-week Program

3 Sessions of 90 - 120 minutes

We meet every other week so you've time to integrate what has come up in the last session.

With support in between the sessions.

Weekly Payment of CHF 215.- or

Pay in full CHF 1250.-

12-week Program

6 Sessions of 90 -120 minutes

We meet every other week so you've time to integrate what has come up in the last session.

With support in between the sessions.

Weekly Payment of CHF 200.- or

Pay in full CHF 2250.-

p.s. let me tell you a little secret I wish I had known earlier: 
if you know you have a session booked like you're committed to the session. The transformation and revelation in between the session is even bigger. Or this truly supported me so much compared to when I just booked it when I "felt" like it. Because let's be serious, sometimes we then just forget about it again or kind of fall into old patterns as it's comfortable. That's why I am a huuuge advocate of programs as they offer a deeper level of transformation 🙏.

Awareness is growth.

Noticing something is holding you back and deciding to change it is already a huge shift.

Even though it's uncomfortable as you turn on a light switch in a scary room. Turning on the light supports you to start relating to the uncomfortable and move forward.

It's about being compassionate and patient in the process of rewiring how we operate.

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